Millions traveling during holidays despite warnings amid worsening pandemic

Millions traveling during holidays despite warnings amid worsening pandemic

One of the main risks of Coronavirus is that carries can be asymptomatic or may take up to two weeks to display symptoms. This makes traveling a danger, because carriers may take the virus to family or friends, and even spread it to those on the plane or in the car with them. Despite the warnings this holiday season, over four million people have traveled across the United States. This all comes on the tail of increasing case numbers nation-wide. Here are some of the things people can expect in the coming days and, unfortunately, into the new year.

[post_page_title]Busy days ahead[/post_page_title]

Thanksgiving is the traditional American holiday that sees people spending time with their families over the dinner table. Christmas, however, is usually a last hoorah for many Americans, either because they have some paid days off to burn, or because the two large holidays of Christmas and New Years Eve or Day present a good opportunity to do so. Usually, hundreds of millions of Americans use this as an opportunity to visit family somewhere nice or use it as a time for family vacation.
This year, however, the numbers are going to be smaller, about half of what they usually are. Still, there will be millions of Americans flying and driving to various destinations. Key dates for airlines will be between the 23rd and 25th of December, the 27th to the 30th, and the first week of the 2021 year.

[post_page_title]Ignored warnings[/post_page_title]

Despite warnings from the CDC, President Elect Joe Biden, and other medical groups, many Americans still traveled this season. It comes very close on the back of Thanksgiving travel, not more than a month previous. However, if it is anything like the last major holiday, it is very likely a spike in cases will appear across the country, with the exact severity of the spike varying based on preexisting cautions that are already in place.
Some places that are likely to see a lot of activity during the tail end of 2020 include Atlanta, Dallas, Austin, and Columbus, Ohio. Citizens of those cities should avoid traveling and shopping as much as possible during this holiday season, because they are likely to come in contact with someone who has recently traveled or who is hosting someone who has recently traveled. Exercise caution, and for New Year’s Eve, maybe skip the kiss?

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