How to avoid getting sick before, during and after a trip abroad

If you love to travel as much as we do, you’ll know that you don’t want anything getting in the way of your vacation. After all, there’s a high chance that you work extremely hard, and there’s an even higher than that you’ve been dreaming of this vacation for months. However, sometimes bad luck strikes out, and people have to deal with being ill before and during their trip abroad. Although it may seem as though there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop yourself from getting ill, that’s just not the case. There are certain measures you can take to avoid getting sick before, during, and after a trip abroad.

Before: Keep up to date with your vaccinations

There are many destinations around the world that require you to have vaccinations before you go, which is why you need to make sure that you keep up to date with them. However, it doesn’t stop there. If you are someone who requires a flu vaccine and are not up to date before you head across the pond, there’s a high chance that you will be more susceptible to illness. By keeping yourself up to date, you can also keep away any bugs before you fly.

How to avoid getting sick before, during and after a trip abroad

Before and during: Stay healthy and hydrated

If you’re the kind of person that gets themselves in vacation mode a few days before you are due to fly out, it can be easy to let your guard down in terms of a healthy lifestyle. You might fill your stomach with takeout and easy meals, and you might even drink a huge amount of sugary drinks and other substances. It’s important to stay healthy and hydrated (on water) both before and during your stay. That’s because the vitamins and minerals you get from these foods will help to keep a healthy mind and body, and will also help your body fight off any potential illnesses. Alongside this, healthy foods help you avoid the tell-tale tummy ache you get after eating too much fast food!

During: Know what to avoid

If you live in a country where you can drink water straight from the faucet and walk around barefoot without worrying about infection, you probably don’t think about whether you can do these things in other countries. It’s best to research where you’re going before you go abroad, and then know what to avoid when you’re out there. After all, nobody wants to get ill because they decided to drink tap water when they should have been sticking to bottled water.

How to avoid getting sick before, during and after a trip abroad

After: Check for symptoms

When you return home from your trip abroad, it’s important to give yourself a little time to investigate your own body. Take a mental note of how you’re feeling, check for symptoms such as a fever or a rash, and just generally give yourself a once-over. This will ensure that you haven’t caught any bugs or illnesses and will allow you to head to a doctor if you need to. Sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Most people love going abroad, but many people also forget to take care of themselves when they are in vacation mode. To ensure that you are prepared for your trip and can make the most of it while you’re out there, take note of how you can avoid getting sick.

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