People who escalated things to the point of no return

People who escalated things to the point of no return

Most of us have had a moment in our lives where we might have overreacted just a little or taken things that bit too far. It’s not our fault. We’re only human! Thankfully, our actions are nothing compared to some people that escalate things so far that they have no hope of turning back.

[post_page_title]No more hugs[/post_page_title]

Some couples love to send romantic pictures to one another. How else will they remember how in love they are with one another? That’s what we thought. One person thought they would be cute and sent a photo of people doodled on some fingers.

No more hugs

It looks like their hugging, get it? Unfortunately, their partner wasn’t feeling the love that day and wanted to show their funny side instead. That hug soon turned into something pretty unexpected.

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